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islamic studies mcqs by imtiaz shahid pdf free


Islam has the largest number of adherents in the world with 1.6 billion followers, approximately 23% of the world's population. There are over 2,500 years of Islamic history that cover a wide range of topics including law, history, culture and science. #1. Who is the Great Imams of Islam? Abu Bakr As-Sadeq, first established the great 'Ulamah of our Ummah' and Abu Hanifah Al-Najashi was the most trustworthy of them all.#2. Who is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? He was born in AD 570 AD in Makkah, the son of 'Abdullah bin Umar and Khadija bint Khuwaylid. He lived most of his life in Makkah but died at A.D. 632. His wife Asma bint Abu Bakr was a daughter of 'Umar bin Khattab.#3. What is the nature of his prophethood? He was a messenger for all of mankind and a prophet sent by Allah to all people.#4. Why does the Quran use the word 'Messenger'? The Quran uses the word "Messenger" or "Messenger" about sixty times; it is intended to describe as any one who brings a message from God, as it will be mentioned in chapter 4:171 "…and indeed they who send down their messages." #5. What is Jihad? Jihad means to strive for something. It is a word that is used in the Quran to describe the struggles, proper behavior, and dealings of the believers. It is also used to mean "to strive or struggle" as in surah 9:20. The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sent by Allah with His message to all people. As he came to the people of Makkah he made it very clear that Islam will be universal, not just Makkah. This is why he identified himself as "Messenger of God" instead of "Messenger of Allah". #6. How many prophets were there? According to the Qur'an there were six prophets. Muhammad PBUH was one of them#7. What do Muslims believe about Jesus (PBUH)? Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) was born to Maryam (Mary) and that he is a prophet and messenger of Allah. Muslims also believe that Jesus did not die on the cross, but was raised to heaven by Allah and remains immortal until his return at the end of time.#8. eccc085e13


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